Appropriate Body Services (AB)
What is an Appropriate Body?
Appropriate bodies assure the quality of statutory teacher induction. They assure themselves that:
- Relevant people know of their responsibilities for monitoring support and assessment during teacher induction, and are capable of meeting them.
- Monitoring, support, assessment and guidance procedures in place are fair and appropriate.
Appropriate bodies also provide data to the Teaching Regulation Agency. This is to record the progress of people who start, and complete, induction.
Why choose us as your school Appropriate Body?
Our Appropriate Body service supports schools and teachers in a variety of ways, with our core functions being central to ensuring schools provide adequate support to teachers at the start of their teaching career. We have two key roles; monitoring support and monitoring assessment.
The benefits of our AB:
- A point of contact within the Hub for the Appropriate Body.
- Registration and monitoring progress of ECTs including reporting to the Teacher Regulation Agency.
- Advice and guidance on the induction of ECTs.
- Fidelity checks for schools delivering training using DfE accredited materials or schools designing and delivering their own own programmes.
- Making decisions on the outcome of statutory induction for ECTs.
- Monitoring ECT and mentor entitlements.
- Access to ECT Manager, a user-friendly online platform.
- Advice and targeted levels of support where ECT progress is causing concern/ECT is at risk of failure.
- Quality assurance of progress review and assessment reports, against the Teachers’ Standards.
- Quality assurance monitoring visits to schools.
- Networking opportunities.
Cost of our Appropriate Body services
This will depend on the type of programme schools decide to use:
- AB services with a lead provider is £250 per ECT per year.
- AB services with delivery of your own training using DfE accredited materials £325 per ECT per year.
- AB services with schools designing and delivering your own training programme is £500.
How to register
To use our Appropriate Body service, please visit ECT Manager.
For support with registration or for further information about Appropriate Body services, contact us at: appropriatebody@southyorkshireteachinghub.org or call us: 0114 235 7980.